Price Table

Price table Custom HTML is based on the following structure:

<div class="gk-price-table gk-price-table-animated col3">
<dd class="gk-price">$15<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Unlimited Storage</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Transactions</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Contacts</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Users</dd>
<dd><a href="#">Choose</a></dd>

<dl class="gk-premium">
<dd class="gk-price">$99<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Unlimited Storage</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Transactions</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Contacts</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Users</dd>
<dd>Try it for a month!</dd>
<dd><a href="#">Choose</a></dd>

<dd class="gk-price">$29<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Unlimited Storage</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Transactions</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Contacts</dd>
<dd>Unlimited Users</dd>
<dd><a href="#">Choose</a></dd>

The main wrapper contains three clases: the gk-price-table class is required, the gk-price-table-animated is required if you want to create an animated price table on scrolling and the last class is used to specify the amount of columns – you can use classes col1col5.

Every column is specified by dl element (with gk-premium class the column will be highlighted) – in the dt element you can specify the table column title. In the dd element with gk-price class you can specify the price – using the small element you can specify te service period time.

Adding of the button at the bottom is very simple – it needs just to add the link element in the dd element.

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